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Huh? You might be thinking what safety gear? Definitely no need for helmets and padding like with the other two. Agreed, but still need to think about things like wipe outs, wetsuits and lifesaving.
So you’ve popped up on a little beaut of a wave and the wind’s in your hair and you’re flying down the face… whooooo…. you’re riding her. :D Then, damn it. Your focus falters for a millisecond, you feel a wobble, you know your euphoria is about to be shattered in the gnarliest of rag-dolls. Now… pause for a sec… What’s the best way to fall? Huh?!? Is there much to think about?! Normally you just fall back away from the board... and take a deep breath before hitting the water. Seems simple right? Yeah. But check this amazing advice from surf science… They reckon there are 10 steps involved in creating the perfect wipe out. Maybe that sounds crazy to most groms… but if you can think of at least some of these points on your way to splash, it’ll eventually become your natural response. So click here to see how to start doing it ‘properly’!
Luckily our UK base doesn’t have much need for these measures, but what do you guys think about a Shark Resistant wetsuit?! If these awesome creatures can be a problem round your way, then check out the website! www.sharkmitigation.com/ Or perhaps this TED talk by creator Hamish Jolly
Only thing like it in the existence! But there are plenty of other wetsuits for keeping hyperthermia at bay listed in our brands section.
Or go for a DIY paint job, and add stripes to your surfboard to imitate the black and white sea snake.
You might also consider taking some life-saving certificates. Not only will this sort of program increase your overall confidence and skill in the water, but one day you might actually be able to do something amazing for someone in trouble. From the following vid, looks like it can be pretty fun too... If you’re in NZ anyways. :D Look for courses near you in the travel and local section.
The big wave guys really get into breath training to prepare for being held under for long periods. Even for rookies it’s worth learning more about, as being superhuman at holding your breath could save your skin when you get pummelled one day.
Finally a little snippet from Pro Aritz Aranburu on HOW NOT TO DIE on your surfboard. Handy!
01 March 2025
Freeride World Tour - Georgia Pro, Mestia 2025
22 February 2025
Capitulo Perfeito 2025
Freeride World Tour Challenger - Open Faces Silvretta-Montafon Challenger 4* 2025
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